Advanced Certificate in Pastoral Care and Counseling

Online Course 


CCS340 - Pastoral Counseling: This foundational course provides a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental principles of pastoral counseling ministry, both historically and practically. Rooted in a strong biblical perspective, this course serves as a vital preparation for individuals entering this crucial area of ministry. The required textbook for this course is "Pastoral Counseling: An Introduction to Pastoral Care" authored by Dr. Tony V. Lewis.

To purchase the textbook, please visit: Pastoral Counseling - Dr. Tony V. Lewis (

This course aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in effective pastoral counseling, emphasizing the integration of biblical principles into practical counseling applications.

  Cost of Program: $350.00 (includes registration fee)

  (This program is not to be confused with the NACC Pastoral Counseling Certification Program)